Thehunter call of the wild zeroing
Thehunter call of the wild zeroing

thehunter call of the wild zeroing

#Thehunter call of the wild zeroing full

At 150m, 75m zeroing shot low about one full ring.

thehunter call of the wild zeroing

Again, 150m zeroing was slightly high- about the same as. At 300m, 150m zeroing shot low about 3.5 rings.ħmm shot pretty bad. At 150m, 75m zeroing shot low about half a ring. Again 150m zeroing shot very slightly high, the bullet hole barely grazing the edge of the bullseye.

thehunter call of the wild zeroing

At 300m, it shot the worst, being off by about 4.5 rings when zeroed to 150m. 150m zeroing was very slightly high at 50m, but the bullet holes did not touch the edge of the bullseye. At both 50 and 150m it did not matter whether the rifle is zeroed to 75m or 150m, it shot center pretty well. But for the purposes of evaluating zeroing I'm giving only the standing results. I tried prone as well and prone shot much better- I suspect it's due to shooting upwards at the center of the target when you're prone. All tested with soft-point bullets because those should have the worst ballistics- not verified.Īim point was dead center, like you would when zeroing an actual rifle. I also have all the steadying perks (including the hold breath ones) and the 8-16x scope. I have Zeroing level 1 unlocked, and it is my only active perk so I cannot test shots without zeroing. This detail explains all their findings (and I agree with them). Note that the default zero, without the perk, is at 150m. It also claims without Zeroing you can shoot without compensation (more or less) up until 200m, past which you need to start compensating for bullet drop. The post claims they started missing shots after getting zeroing, which they never missed before. I read a thread on Reddit - that claims bullet drop isn't implemented until you actually get the Zeroing perk, at which point it starts being calculated.

Thehunter call of the wild zeroing